The Velvet Tango Room

VTR, VTR…  It warms the cockles of my heart to see you in your standing-room-only glory two weekends in a row. Col took me there for our anniversary and while I can’t quite bring myself to diverge from my Sidecar rut, I did try something new to eat: the rather oddly-but-aptly named “Diva Plate,” a lush arrangement of 6 (or was it 8?) truffles alongside a dark chocolate-almond-raspberry bark, which truly stole the show. Also noteworthy was the marzipan, which I could have indulged in highly, given the opportunity, but which Col says comes nowhere close to his Mum’s at Christmas. :) Regardless, when you can’t have your marzipan beside the fire with a little Christmas pudding and RTE on mute in the background, why not stop in at VTR and enjoy it state-side with a little jazz accompaniment? So see you next week? I think I shall.

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