The Refectory

In a flight of holiday fancy, we decided to head down to Columbus the weekend after Thanksgiving to visit my friends Alexis and Kari and their husbands, do some Christmas shopping, and yes, eat. Always eager, I poked around on Open Table’s Columbus page and found The Refectory, which has gotten some excellent reviews, including several that name it “Columbus’ best French restaurant”. Well then! I booked us a table and am excited to try it for several reasons, one being the obvious lack of decent French restaurants in Cleveland (Chez Francois excluded as I have yet to try it) and the other being that I have not had French food since we all went to Chez Max back in Dublin (the third reason being related to the recent Julia Child craze, which I admit did not help, especially given the fact that I used to pretend to be her when I was a nine-year-old up to her elbows in flower baking swedish flatbread – the only thing Mom would allow me to make unattended). With the likes of lobster timbale, confit of pheasant w/ savoy cabbage, sturgeon loin in purple mustard, sweetbread lasagna, ostrich w/ plum Bordelaise, and Cajun duck breast with chestnut confit to choose from, it appears I will have my work cut out for me. I only hope that I can decide on something by then. :) Reports of glee – I hope – to follow!

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